Wednesday, 22 February 2012

More Children Less Me?

A good friend of mine had her third and fourth children yesterday and I caught myself thinking, well, she's definitely a Mom now, and nothing but a Mom.
And then I immediately felt guilty.
Does the number of children you have become inversely proportionate to the amount of time you have for yourself?  Does it have to?  Is there a way to maintain yourself and your relationship with your partner, while still successfully wrangling a herd of children?
When our second little person joins us in a few months, I'll be able to better answer that question from the perspective of a Mother of two.
The truth is, when vitamin A joined us, she was such an easy kid and just fit into OUR lives so well that we didn't need to adjust to her as much as we'd anticipated.  I have a real fear that double the children will be doubly difficult, but I am an extremely determined gal and although I want to be the best Mom I can be, I also know that taking time for me will enable me to do just that.
I have decided to register for a half marathon 6-7 months after this baby comes.  I would like to do either the Las Vegas half or the Disneyworld half and I'm hoping that physically registering for a race will help me to persevere in maintaining my former self as a runner.
As we expand our family, (possibly to add a third child?  We shall see what the future holds...) I will be attempting to not become 'nothing but a Mom' and I will share my strategies here!  So stay tuned!!

Sunday, 12 February 2012

Boot camp! Take THAT 25 weeks prego belly!!

In the past four weeks I've been challenged greatly at BMS bootcamp twice a week in Leduc.  I've been to bootcamps before and expected this one to be a little bit "sissy", to put it politely.
It was anything but "sissy".
My VERY first class we moved our bodies non stop for 45 minutes.  We were up skipping, down into burpees, up into squat jumps, down into push up pumps and that skipping I mentioned?  That was the break!!!
It is a workout that is for everyone because you do what you are able to.  Being pregnant, I have made loads of modifications, but my trainers think I'm still challenging myself adequately and since I am my own best competitor, I think I'm working plenty hard too!
Since I've started this bootcamp, I've found that I'm not gaining weight at an obscene rate, like I would expect from my experience last time!  I've also noticed that I can climb stairs without getting breathless, SOOOOOOOOOO I went for a run tonight...
I've mentioned before that runners will run through ANYTHING.  And I gave my 6 months pregnant belly a hella good workout tonight and felt fantastic!  Maybe it was the few new songs I rewarded myself with on my ipod, or maybe it was the +6 weather (which is extraordinary for Alberta at this time of year!), but I really truly felt fantastic!  In fact, the only reason I remembered I was pregnant was because my new pepto pink running jacket would not zip up comfortably!
With my newfound pregnancy fitness, I've decided to continue with bootcamp beyond the 6 weeks I signed up for AND I'm quite determined to do the Las Vegas half marathon in December!

Wish me luck!

This is a pic of my cousin Courtenay and I heading out for a run at Candle Lake when Vit A was around 5 months old.  One of my fave places and people to run with!  I WILL be running when this babe is 5 months old - hopefully sooner!