Wednesday, 13 June 2012

My Natural Water Birth

So, 10 days after my ESTIMATED due date, Miss Ellie Connor Adams entered peacefully into the world.  Here's my labour & birth story.

Friday evening.  Overdue day 9.  My hubby and I decided to go to a movie in the city and leave Miss A with her Nana and Papa, since they would be with us until Tuesday.  We thought we would take advantage of the help, and go on a date while there were still only three of us.
During the movie, I started having some mild contractions that were around 6 minutes apart, but not very intense.  Came home, went to bed, but only two contractions woke me in the night.  This  had been happening for weeks.  I was not getting too excited, even though by then I was 10 days overdue.
On the morning of day 10, a Monday, my husband went to work, my Dad went to teach a course in the city, and my contractions came back.  I hadn't been sharing my contractions with my Mom, because until then, I was sure they would amount to nothing.  This time I told her and said that we should pack up A and head to West Edmonton Mall to walk so that I could try and gain some momentum.

I had an appointment for a non-stress test at the Sturgeon hospital at 1pm that day, so we walked around the mall, shopped, had lunch and then headed to the hospital.  My contractions were actually getting stronger and had a pattern!  My body was actually doing what it was supposed to do - naturally!!
At 1pm, I was hooked up to the fetal monitor at the Sturgeon, while my Mom waited in the car with A, who was sleeping.  It was supposed to take 30 min, and then we were going back to the mall to walk.
Instead, I was there for 3 hours - which included several blood pressure checks that snowballed into bloodwork and the threat that I might have to stay to be medically induced.
This was my worst nightmare.
Both of mine and my Mom's cellphones were almost dead at this time (darn contraction timers!), and we corresponded with my midwives from the hospital on 1% and 3% batteries.  When they asked how I was, I told them I was fine and that I would come in the next morning for an attempt at natural induction.  This was at 4pm.
By 4:01pm, everything changed.
My contractions were suddenly very clearly getting stronger and longer.
As I laboured in the parking lot of the Sturgeon hospital, my Mom ran inside to call the birth centre to tell them we were, in fact, coming.
My Dad was on his way to the Sturgeon and Blake had no idea what was going on.  Save for a couple of text messages, he thought it was just another false labour day.
My Mom drove, in rush hour, on the freeway, while I gave directions in between contractions.
We arrived at the Lucina Centre at 4:55pm.  I called Blake, who was just leaving work to go home.  He arrived at 5:35pm and I was already in the bath tub.
Labour was intense.  Easily the most intense 2.5 hours of my entire life.  I don't want to say that it was painful, because I trusted my body and knew that this intensity was necessary for us to meet our baby.
Because I'd had an epidural previously, I didn't recognize the urge to push.  When I finally decided that yes, I think pushing is next, it felt so good!  It was a relief to be working with my contractions and not just through them.
I started pushing at 6:00pm.  Ellie arrived at 6:23pm after only two contractions.  The cord was wrapped around her neck and shoulder, but she was perfect.
My Mom got to be present just as she came out and was placed on my chest in the tub.  A dream she had, and I was happy to be a part of, as she was my support during the entire day!

Even as I write this post, it seems absolutely surreal that only 9 days ago I had such a powerful life experience.  Natural birth is in a different realm from medicated births.  It is calm and peaceful and just seems so 'right'.
If there is ever a baby Adams #3, I would, without a second thought, be delivering at the birth centre again.
What a profound journey it has been and we are crazy in love with our new daughter!