Tomorrow you turn three years old.
Where have the past three years gone!
Here you are on December10,2009. Bright and Shiny and brand new! |
It seems like yesterday that we were packing up a tiny 7lb10oz baby into a too-large carseat to take home.
I'm writing you a letter because I want to tell you about the crazy amount of joy and absolute sheer happiness that you have brought to our lives.
Since you arrived, we have been able to witness all of your growing-up's.
We have watched you roll, sit, stand, walk, pee on the potty, talk and aside from the typical milestones you've hit, you have grown into one of the coolest chicks we've ever known.
Everyday you astound me! You have an incredible memory and you love to make up silly songs and just be silly in general! (That is, afterall, what we live by: Be Silly~Be Honest~Be Kind.)
I love the way you snuggle with Ellie. The way you throw your arm over her while you snooze, as if you are her protector.
I also love the way to get so excited over your favorite things - M&M's, Maverick, Mickey Mouse and TRUCKS!
When I come home from running, or bootcamp or just being out, you run to the door and say, "Hi Mom! How was running/bootcamp/shopping?"
LAWD How I love that!!
I love how right at this very moment, as I write this post, you are tucked right in beside me, with your little arm wiggled under my elbow, and you've just said, "Mom, I love ya'"
Here you are with me at the end of my PB half marathon. You inspire me to be better! |
Your grandparents have nicknamed you Sunshine and Vitamin A, and it's easy to understand why.
You. Are. Infectious.
I know that someday you will do great things and no matter what, you will always, always make us proud.
I'm sure the next three years will go by just as fast (or faster!) than the last, but I want you to know that being your Mom has been one of the best things to ever happen to me and I feel so humbled to know you and experience you every day!
Candle Lake May 2010 |
I couldn't have known what a wonderful and loving big sister you would be! |
Being silly! You\re quite good at that! ;) |
You have been at every single one of my races! Thank you! |
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We had so much fun making these memories and we will have these beautiful photos forever! |
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You are such a cute little 'imp' and everytime I see a picture of you, I can't help but grin! |
As a baby, you made us work SO hard for the tiniest smile! So we've got lots ot pics like this, ya goofus! |
Halloween 2011 Cutest chicken EVER! |
We employed you to announce your sisters' impending arrival! You were proud before she ever came!