At the bottom of this post is a link for a song.
Do yourself a favor and click on it so it can play while you read this post about how grateful I am for my life. I'm not sure if it has anything to do with this post, but it's a picker-upper and it will surely make you smile!
Today is my 32nd birthday.
And what do I have to show for it?
Not in my wildest dreams could I have imagined that this would be the life I would be living at 32 years old.
I am married to a man who is my perfect match. Who encourages and supports me while I dream crazy big dreams and register for "goofy" and spectacular races. Who thinks I'm beautiful at all the different sizes I've been during our time together. Who is the most incredible Daddy to two of the coolest broads I've ever known. And who I know loves me. Unconditionally.
Even when I'm not-so-lovable.
I have a billion dollar family.
By traditional standards, we don't have the "million dollar family", but we do have a billion dollar family.
What does that mean?
It means that we are perfect just as we are. Our girls are perfect (mostly). Our family is perfect (generally). And our life is as close to perfect as can be.
And we could live forever with nothing but the clothes on our backs and each other and be the happiest people on the planet.
Not only do we have a pretty perfect (did I mention that before?) family, but our extended family is pretty phenomenal as well.
We have two sets of parents who support us and want to spend as much time as possible with our girls and we've got siblings who are nearly as cool as us. ;)
We also have Aunts and Uncles who are like second sets of parents to us and we have grandparents who have always tried to give us the world.
We really are a lucky bunch.
My Dad and I competed in our first triathlon on Father's Day.
It was a sprint distance which included a 750m open water swim, a double loop 20km bike and another double loop 5km run.
It was one of the best racing experiences of my life.
I was shocked at how I was able to endure and how I felt like a real athlete in my tri wetsuit.
(I finished 16th overall in the swim and I am so proud of that!)
Isn't it cool that I get to share in so many race experiences with my Dad?
We're done! And we're still wearing our ever-forgiving tri suits! (NOTE:sarcasm) |
I have great family, friends and a very hard fought, but battle won, for my health.
This has been the best year of my life and to everyone who was involved in all of my victories and challenges overcome, thank you.
This entire year would not have been possible without you and although many of my 32 years have come and gone with not much to show, this year will always be close to my heart and a memorable one.
These girls are so friggin' cool! So glad we get to be roomies! |