Pull ups.
Not strict, but kipped.
And I can do them without any assistance.
I can do about five in a row.
For me, this was a big deal.
This was a momentous day.
Small victory for some, but for that hour long class, it was enough to bring me to tears.
A young man behind me in class today told me I was a beast.
Hell yea', I'm a freakin' beast!
I'm getting better, I'm pushing myself, and if in that process I look like a beast, then I'm definitely doing it right!
I am a force to be reckoned with.
This is one of the things I always tell myself.
I am not to be underestimated.
We've been testing out our strength so that we can do a whole buncha' workouts in the coming weeks and test again to see how crazy strong we've become.
We tested our 1 rep max, which is basically the weight that you can pick up one time. Just one.
I've been dying to get to 200lbs on my deadlift, because I know I can do it.
I got it. It was a sumo deadlift, which is a move I've done precisely one other time besides that day, but I did it.
Glistening eyes ensued.
Just a couple of days before, I got a bodyweight backsquat.
I'm in the habit of grabbing some "juuuuuuuustincase" weights for workouts where I think I might need to drop some weight.
I use to switch out for them routinely.
I need to stop taking them.
I've done a handful of workouts at the prescribed weight, which is always the recommended weight to use, which is usually heavy AF.
Just a handful.
But the victory I enjoy after those workouts is immense.
I've settled comfortably into a middle-of-the-pack mentality, and I've been quite content to be average.
For someone who's been overweight, even obese for much of her life, believe me when I say, I've dreamed desperately about being average!
Average is a great place to be.
But I want more for me.
I want to be better, stronger, healthier.
I want to light fires in people, in myself. In my kids.
Assisted movements at the gym are in no way failures.
Never once did I ever think I was less because I was using bands for pull ups.
We all start at the beginning and we all need to figure out what to do and how to make the best versions of ourselves.
But to be able to exercises unassisted, unscaled...
There are no words for how that feels.
But my glistening, smiling cheeks speak volumes.