It's not just something we say.
This is real life.
Though you may think you can do it all, I believe that most of us are well aware that you, cannot, in fact, do it all.
Somethings gotta' give.
For me?
It's my car.
Hands down, and without having to consider another option.
It's my car.
(I see you nodding your head wildly Mom...and Nikki...)
My car is an utter disaster.
As in, I can clean it, detail it, wipe down every single surface and crevice and nook, and within 24 hours, there is yogurt sprayed on the ceiling, goldfish crackers all over the floor...crushed. Tiny bits of garbage and probably 8 pieces of art work will be scattered from the dashboard to the floors, because, obviously, the car is where school projects and garbage go to procreate.
I cannot, and I will not maintain cleanliness, because I'm OK with the "thing" that's giving.
I'm lettin' that shit go.
I'm lettin' that shit go.
Can you IMAGINE what else would fail if I happened to start taking care of the car?!?!
It terrifies me to even think about the shift that would cause! It would be like the butterfly effect! Castles would crumble! It could mean that my kids don't get their weekly daily bath, or that there are only two food groups on their plates, or maybe we wouldn't get in their nightly reading, or...(this list is infinite, in case you were waiting for it to end...)
My car.
We spend quite a lot of time in there, and for the record, I would sure like for it to stay clean. I would. I do not enjoy that is like a real life wasteland, in an itty bitty space. I am not a type A personality and it doesn't even bother me how filthy it is, but I really would like to live in a nice clean car sometimes.
The silver lining though? If you're ever in need of something? I've definitely got it in there somewhere! Gimme a minute, and maybe grab a plastic bag so we can throw some of this garbage out while I go look for it, but I KNOW I've got a puke bag/hair tie/nail clippers/safety pins/yellowpages from 1998 in here somewhere...