Wednesday, 30 September 2020

But What About YOU

I'm tired.  And sad.  And I don't want to just feel this way anymore.
I want to try to make things better for my generation, and my kids' generation.

Are you sad and tired, too?

But what about ME?!?!?!

This.  This is what I've had enough of.  I feel like it has become something of an epidemic.  What.  About.  Me.

How about if instead each and every one of us asked, what about YOU??

We are so busy worrying about ourselves.  My feelings are hurt.  I didn't get my way.  That car cut me off.  The line I chose is always the slowest. And really this list could go on and on and on...

I tell my children all the time - it's nice, to be nice.  That's it.  They are young, and so like most children, they are very self absorbed, BUT, I assumed that in maturing, they will outgrow this selfish mentality.

I have learned that most of us, in some capacity or environment, or another, have a hard time with this.

I know that not everyone likes me.  I am fine with this.  I don't care.  I live a good life, a kind life, and I do the best I can in my current situations - which sometimes means I am short tempered, but I try to be very cautious and careful when I know kindness might not come easily.

I try very hard, every day, to just be nice.

I try to have patience, and seek to understand.  Simple things, that frequently make my days good, even when they could easily have fallen to shit.

It costs nothing, and it takes nothing from you, to be a good person.  To make the right choices, especially when they're hard choices to make.

If we could take a step back, and see that a "What about YOU?" movement could change the world, one day at a time, maybe it would be easier to start it.

I don't know how to persuade people to be kinder to one another, but I know that I've had enough, and that I'd like for the world to be softer for myself, and my children. That's all I'd like. A softer world.