Sunday 11 December 2011

...tales from a first time blogger...

I have not been a "writer" since University (nearly a decade ago - yikes!), so the thought of writing a blog was scary for a now very scientific brain!
I decided to start writing because I need an outlet.  I need an outlet for my (relatively) new life as a wife and Mom melding with my old life as a passionate runner.
Why would someone like me need an outlet, you ask?  Well, everyday stresses like potty training and dinner planning as well as a new little one set to join our family in May, and my unplanned hiatus from running this past year.
My hope for this blog is that I will be able to share my adventures as a rural Mom and my challenges as I continue to train for and complete races with my children as stroller buddies!
First on the agenda, deciding if I will simply walk for the rest of my pregnancy and get back to running in May/June or if I will attempt to run slowly and for short distances when I can.  Life is certainly full of difficult decisions! ;)