Monday 2 January 2012

After the wrapping, food and company...

So, we had a really great Christmas with lots of company, eating and celebrations - but I think one of my favorite things is being able to enjoy the holidays with my hubby and little girl.  The magic of the season is captured by the children and the older Vitamin A gets, the more special Christmas becomes.
We decided to have our ultrasound done on Dec 23 so that we could surprise our family on Christmas eve with the reveal of the gender.  We got to see the little gaffer swimming about and showing us HER moves, and a few great poses that made excellent pictures!
Now that our house is mostly free of Christmas decorations, I need to get creative so that A doesn't get bored!  She was busy every day over the holidays with visitors and toys and now we are settling into out regular routine!

Wednesday 14 December 2011

Christmas: t-11 days!

Vitamin A's birthday is on December 10th and although this is only the second year we have celebrated her birthday, it seems to put us behind the 8 ball!
Luckily, I don't like shopping and so my dislike of crowds around Christmastime outweighs my dislike of shopping and I tend to get most of my shopping done in October and November.  Unfortunately, my Christmas baking has taken a big back seat and our treat trays are going to rather sad this year - read, good for the waistline!
I have decided to put running aside until this baby has made its debut, but that doesn't mean I won't be scouting for races to train for following aforementioned birth.  On my running bucket list are several races in Disneyland and Disneyworld, so I will definitely be checking dates, entry fees and flights for races in California and Florida starting in November and December 2012.  (Hmmmm, maybe I should consider the Vegas half in December...)
Vitamin A is having a sleep right now so that I have a moment to rest (and by rest I mean wash, dry and fold four loads of laundry).  Here is a picture of her snoozing with her best buddy, 'MA', or Maverick as we originally named him.

Sunday 11 December 2011

...tales from a first time blogger...

I have not been a "writer" since University (nearly a decade ago - yikes!), so the thought of writing a blog was scary for a now very scientific brain!
I decided to start writing because I need an outlet.  I need an outlet for my (relatively) new life as a wife and Mom melding with my old life as a passionate runner.
Why would someone like me need an outlet, you ask?  Well, everyday stresses like potty training and dinner planning as well as a new little one set to join our family in May, and my unplanned hiatus from running this past year.
My hope for this blog is that I will be able to share my adventures as a rural Mom and my challenges as I continue to train for and complete races with my children as stroller buddies!
First on the agenda, deciding if I will simply walk for the rest of my pregnancy and get back to running in May/June or if I will attempt to run slowly and for short distances when I can.  Life is certainly full of difficult decisions! ;)