Tuesday 7 August 2012

Puttin' it Out There

The girls and I have been away for the past three weeks vacationing with my Mom and Dad.  We've travelled together in their motorhome and miraculously, we've managed to stay friends!
Even more than that, we've created memories for the girls and I that will last a lifetime.
We visited family in Saskatchewan and attempted to enjoy the sunshine, however, we were only able to take in a handful of sunny days as the torrential downpour and storm warnings rain seemed to follow us everywhere.
Fortunately, with all the help I had to take care of my munchkins, I was able to do ALOT of exercising.  I ran, biked and did makeshift bootcamp workouts.  I even had my Dad do a couple of bootcamp workouts with me.  He did.............ok. Love ya Dad!
One of my runs was an 8.4km trek across the great plain of Saskatchewan.  Although I know that it's flat, (I mean really flat.  I mean there were several times I could see far, far ahead of me into the distance.  Like, really, really flat.) I still get nervous to do a distance that is further than I have run recently.  I couldn't help but think that only 1.5 years ago I would have turned around and run 8.4km 4 more times!  That is a crazy thought.  And also my ultimate goal.
I aspire to run another marathon.  But this time I would like to be lighter.  And, hopefully faster.
I would like to be kinder to my body.  This body that has never let me down, although I have asked it to run, bike, swim, burpee, jack squat, lunge, pushup etc. deserves more from me.
My girls and husband deserve more from me.  I deserve more.
During our beach days, I couldn't help but notice body types.  And I've come to appreciate the truly fit bods, as I will be on my own journey for the next year to become an envied body on the beach.  I want to be the "Wow, I can't believe she has two kids!" gal.  ;)
To get fit is only one step.  To maintain fitness is forever.
I've exercised my whole life and although I've never been slim (which is NOT my goal), I've also never been at a healthy weight for any lengthy amount of time.
Here are my girls.
Having girls will force one to consider what kind of role model one wants to be.
They are so young and beautiful and are not yet tainted by the ridiculous expectations of the cruel, vain world.
I know it's naive to believe that they will never diet or try to change the way they look, but I want them to always know that their Mom & Dad love them always.  No matter how they look.
I think that for me, it will be important to demonstrate how to live a healthy, active lifestyle.  To show them that nothing in life worth having is easy.  That taking care of our bodies is far more important that how they look.

These girls deserve the best me that I can give them, and that means that I must take care of me.

Aren't they fantastic??

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