Thursday 14 March 2013

Step In Line

We all currently know someone who is on their weightloss journey.
At any given point in my life I know someone who was on theirs.
This time, it's my turn.
I'm always excited for someone who has found their success, their winning combination.
A part of me is always jealous, because, of course, I would like to be in their shoes, but ultimately, I am thrilled that someone I know is finding a new, healthy way to live.

When it becomes apparent that you are, in fact, the one who has discovered your own, personal way to shed the weight, it seems a bit surreal and you find that you still view yourself as the "old" you.
I recently went shopping to buy some new jeans and the lovely sales gal brought nine pairs of jeans for me to try on!  NINE!  She didn't know I loathe shopping, I guess.
I tried on about 6 of the pairs.  That was enough for me!  And each time I held up those jeans and thought to myself, there is no flippin' way these are going to fit me!  And each time, they did!
This time, it's my turn.

I purchased a very nice, but expensive, pair of jeans and a new (medium!?) shirt, which, shockingly, also fit me!  I've decided that I work too hard on my body to live in crappy clothes.  At this point, I want to show off my body, because I have worked my whole life for this.  I really have!  I was on Weight Watchers when I was nine years old!
I also need to learn to reward myself with things like clothing because all too often I would reward myself for having a great week and losing a pound, or two - with a treat!  (What!?)  So backwards!  1000 calories is roughly a third of a pound and trust me, it's not hard to consume 1000 calories!

Today, I am 11 pounds away from a very maintainable goal weight and I am so prepared for the challenges I will face as I battle the last 10 pounds.  I may, or may not have to change up my diet.  I may, or may not have to increase the intensity/duration/frequency of my workouts and I may, or may not have to lean on my support system more than ever.
But this time, it's my turn.

If you are reading this and you are contemplating starting your own weightloss journey, then you have begun.  If you jumped in with both feet in January and now you're finding your interest has faded, you're bored, or you didn't see the results.  Remember, it will come off the exact way it was put on.  One pound at a time.  Don't stop.  Step in line, this time.
Because this time, it's your turn.

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