Monday 2 March 2015

Wipeouts & Recoveries

Being able to say "f*ck it", sometimes and eat whatever you please.

THAT'S life.

Most of the time, though, I eat well.  Really, really well.

I read recently, on Instagram, where a gal compared her body to a car.
A niiiiiiice car, like, say a Rolls Royce.
A car I will never own.
Or see.

What kind of fuel goes into a Rolls?  Costco regular?
Yah, no.

Premium gas.

If I want my body to perform like a luxury car, I must feed it like a luxury car.

Junk in = junk out.

So, most of the time I eat well.

Some of the time though, I eat (and drink!) with reckless abandon.

That's life.

I used to eat like that a LOT.
Like, most of the time, a lot.

Now, it's a treat, and I am fully aware of the consequences, so when my jeans are snug and the scale says, "WHAT THE EFF?!?!", I am the only one responsible.
Am I the only one to blame?  No.  Blame is one of the reasons I was heavy for so long.
Have a great time, feel like a total glutton, and then move on.
Do NOT beat yourself up.

It's just food.
It shouldn't have enough power to make you feel sorry for yourself for days.

We recently went on a family ski trip to Panorama.

It's a big, steep mountain.
Steeper, in my opinion, than our regular ski haunt, Marmot Basin.

I've been skiing for a long time, and shouldn't be afraid of the mountain, but this time, I could actually empathize with folks who are afraid to, "fall down the entire mountain."

I was afraid to fall down the entire mountain.

I didn't, but I sure felt like it was a real possibility.

It isn't.

I also didn't, "fall down the mountain" on my weight loss journey.

Did I stumble?  Take a step (or pound) back?

Was it worth it?
Heck yes!

Spending time with my family on one of only a few trips we get to go on together, food is definitely a part of the celebration.
Big breakies, followed by lots of skiing, and rounded out with spaghetti dinner, poker and potato chips.

And drinks.  Alcoholic drinks.
Mmmmmmmmmm...Malibu & pineapple juice...amiright?!?!
This video is 11 minutes long.
Consider yourself forewarned.
Audrey is skiing.  F'real.
It's a really, really good time.

What does it take to get back to "normal"?

Just doing it.
Realize that eating whatever you want is ok, for a short time, and that there are consequences, but then get back to real life when the party is over.

Don't be weird and not have the birthday cake.
Eat it, and know that maybe tomorrow you eat squeaky clean to compensate.

Have balance and enjoy life.

Besides, it's bad luck not to eat birthday cake at the party.

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