Monday 29 June 2015


There is a rocking chair in our house that is a fundamental piece of furniture.
It has gently rocked three children to sleep, for countless hours.
It also reclines, which means it has tracked many hours of forgotten sleep, as well.
It was a wedding gift, from my parents, when we learned, just one day before jetting off to a tropical place to get married, that we would be parents 9 months later.
The big, comfy brown chair is where I grew a lot of love for my children.
Where, after a day that they have tested my patience to it's limits, I can rock them into a peaceful, dreamy state, and then stare at their beautiful, innocent faces.

As I snuggled my last baby into slumber tonight, I reflected on the fact that for the first time, I am able to cross my legs as we rocked together.
A very simple thing, for most, I'm sure, but I do not take these things for granted any more.

I have lost many pounds in the past year, but I have gained too many things to even begin to count.

Not taking for granted the fact that my legs can cross, and stay crossed, comfortably, is one of them.

Being a confident Mom, is another.

Someone has a camera, and would like to take our picture?  Sure!  Go ahead!  I'm not even worried about how I'll look, because I know I'll look just fine, and won't be looking for the imperfections and shortcomings of my body.

Walking up stairs and not being winded.

Choosing whatever I want out of my closet, and knowing, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that it's going to fit, and not emphasize something I'm ashamed of.

Having my children come to gym classes with me, and be inspired, encouraged to be fit.
Priceless gain.

When you lose weight, there is no recipe, or instruction that says, you will feel x once you lose y amount of weight.

It's impossible to know exactly how you'll feel.
It's even more daunting, when you've never actually been at y weight.

I'm training for my third marathon (crazy?!  Right?!), and I'm a bit behind on my training.  I've mapped out the weeks until the race, and I won't get my two 32km runs in, but I'll get one in.

I ain't even worried about it.

I'm so confident in my body's ability, that I know I'm going to PR this race.

With the least amount of training I've ever done, but with the most fit body I've ever lived in, I'm going to make this race my bee-otch.

In all the poundage lost, I never dreamed of what I would gain.

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