Monday 6 February 2017

A Lifetime of Counting

I wrote this in November.  It's not new, just newly published.

I am so, so sick of salads.
I have been eating salads since I was around 7.
I don't mean that I occasionally ate salads, I mean I actually ate salads almost daily since I was 7.
My Mom tells me about a time some family had gone out for breakfast, and I tried to order a salad.
For breakfast.

All through high school.
Chopping lettuce.


I know that loads of people eat salad a lot.
But I feel like I can safely say that I've been eating them for around 10 years longer than the average person.

Sometimes I feel cheated because I have always struggled with extra poundage, and yet, I've never, ever been able to indulge.  Eat whatever I want.
During high school, I remember the hoards ordering plates of fries and gravy day after day.

Instead, I ate rice cake peanut butter sandwiches.
Chicken broth and melba toast.
Vegetarian pizza pops.
Because, at least there were a few reconstituted veggies in there, right?!?!

Even then I knew that those pizza nuggets were deep fried, and not a good choice.

Before counting calories, or macros, or weight watchers points was a "thing", I bought books from the store and memorized calorie counts of common foods.
(I was constantly pointing out to my friends how many calories their food choices had - sorry guys!)

Many people I talk to about weight issues will say that when they got out of high school/turned 30,40,50.../got married/insert major life event, is when keeping weight off became difficult.

I can empathize, however I've been going to weight watchers since I was 7.
Grade two.

So when I chat with you, and at 35 you're finally having to watch what you eat, I kinda' wanna punch pinch you.
If you've gone most of your life not having to pay attention to what you eat?
I envy you more than you can know.
There are far worse burdens to carry, however carefully watching my intake has been mine for my entire life.

The whole thing.

I've been a bit too relaxed with my eating habits lately, and a few pounds have found their way onto my body.  I'm aware.  I'm uncomfortable.  And I know I need to tighten up my diet and put more colorful food into my mouth.

Of course, today has been a good, solid Monday, but I'm going to finish off the box of girl guide cookies we bought today.

Don't worry.  I shared.
That's a lie.
I ate all the vanilla ones by myself.
They were delicious.
Never miss a Monday though, right?

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