So eat the ice cream.
OK, so maybe some frozen yogurt.
Or perhaps just a little plain yogurt with some fruit, y'know, because it's healthier.
Or maybe just have the fruit.
Life is short.
Eat fruit...
...does not have the same ring as the ice cream thing, amiright?!?!
Truth be told, everything is bad for you.
Even too much water can be bad - sometimes fatal!
I sure hope you wash your hair with baking soda because the chemical shit-storm in shampoo is enough to make you catch the cancer!
Watch TV? Shame on you! You probably shouldn't even own a television!
And heaven knows that if you're cleaning your house with MrClean, or anything other than vinegar and water, you're basically poisoning your family.
Do you cook in non-stick frying pans? Y'know how bad teflon is, don't you?
Consume much sugar/fat/salt/kale? Well the dia-beetus/heart disease/high blood pressure/pesticides are going to kill you one day.
Squats? Running? Kiss your knees goodbye.
EVERYTHING is bad for you.
But, truly, nothing is - as long as you live reasonably and use moderation.
As in, don't run 100+km weeks, for months on end.
Don't eat ice cream everyday.
(I use regular shampoo and cleaning products, off the record...because I love the smell of pinesol! To the detriment of my own family, of course, but we all make our choices, right?)
It's simple, really, but in our seemingly mass-hysteria-media-powered world, when one study comes out concluding that fat makes you fat, we all ditch our butter for fat-free snackwell's.
Just. Eat. Real. Food.
Most of the time.
Just do a bit more exercise.
A lot more often.
We don't have to get all crazy and pitch every processed food item out of our cupboards.
I still like to eat a twinkie once in awhile! I mean, I could totally relate to the cowboy in Zombieland, lookin' for the snowballs! Those food-impersonating baked goods are all sorts of waxy goodness!
We don't have to enroll in a five day a week fitness class, where yesterday, and for the last five years, we haven't done much more than channel surfing.
The eating part of losing weight is sooooooo much more important than the exercise, so once you've got a few healthy food habits under your belt, add a little bit of exercise - and big 'ol gold star if it's something you actually like to do!
Losing weight is the hardest thing in the world, I ain't gonna lie.
But if you take it slow and practice patience, making small, manageable changes before adding new ones, then the weight will come off.
It will.
So, basically, everything is bad for you.
Krispy Kreme sums this up much better than I ever could, so here's their brilliant marketing campaign about eating
But only occasionally.