Monday 16 April 2012

For the Love of Running

In my years of running (16 to be exact), I have come across many types of people.  I have had some of the most incredible supporters, and I have also encountered some of the most negative people I have every met in my life.
I run to spite the negative guys.
One of my most favorite sayings of all time goes along the lines of, the greatest accomplishment in life is doing what others say you cannot do, but do not quote me on that!
I truly gain more when I complete a race that is further, or faster than my doubters, or even I thought I could accomplish.  And believe me, I can be one of the most negative people in my own life - and that doesn't apply only to running!  But that's a whole other can of worms...
As my belly expands in size and I count down the weeks left to meet this amazing little person, I find myself daydreaming about my return to running and it is easily, and without doubt the one thing that I look forward to most once I am done being pregnant.
I am planning races, both short and long, familiar and new so that I can strive towards new running goals.  Running is such an innate part of who I am that I truly don't think I will ever NOT be a runner.
I am not built like a runner.  In fact, I believe that my gene lineage comes from a group of ancient Japanese Sumo wrestlers.  Seriously.  If you didn't know me and I told you I was a runner, you would probably quietly think to yourself, 'yah, I bet you run to the fridge alot'.
And I can't blame you.
I.  Am.  Not.  Built.  Like.  A.  Runner.
But I do it anyways.  And I in turn find it eternally frustrating when someone who is 10, or 20 or 40 pounds lighter than me say that they can't run.
EVERYONE can run.  But not everyone WILL run.
This post was inspired by a video that a triathlete friend of mine shared with me.  It is about two women, well into their 60s and 70s who have both completed a 100 MILE race.  I just wrote MILE.  That's 160 km.  Nearly 4 marathons, ran at once.
I want to be a Grandmother of Endurance, and here is the link to their running story.

Grandmother's of Endurance

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