"I'm sorry to bother you, but I just need a little help."
It's just barely Mother's Day, and also happens to be my sons' 3rd birthday, but my husband feels he needs to apologize for waking me.
Why? Because barf-pocalypse had just occurred in my middle daughters' room.
The Mother's Day expectation is absurd, in my opinion.
I've read a few articles this week, many of which outlined "What Mom's Really Want This Mother's Day".
I disagreed with one in particular, which began, with a bullying tone - I want to sleep in until my eyes open, I want my family to take me to brunch, I want my kids to get along, I want to be waited on hand and foot, IwantIwantIwant...and on, and on...
Has anyone ever enjoyed such a fictitious day? Let me re-phrase, has anyone enjoyed such a fictitious day, and not had to
We honor Mother's on this day. All of them. Inclusive.
Some Mom's are entirely alone on this day. Who's going to take them to brunch? On a limited budget, probably. Get real. There are Mother's-in-waiting, to celebrate. There are Moms who never birthed a baby, who are raising kids. There are Moms who have lost. There are Moms in heaven. There are loads of Moms who are, *gasp, working today! One friend of mine is working today on a maternity ward! Can you imagine how glorious that will be for a handful of women! Yet, she is not being pampered today. She is at work.
I realize that the celebrations can come in all different ways, and that I cannot judge another family. I'm not. I just hate this unrealistic expectation that it's a day off for Mom's. Should it be? Hell. Yes. Can it be? Not for a lot of Mom's.
Chores need to get done. There is a week to prepare for, as loads of Moms will be heading to work bright and early tomorrow. Children still need raising. Bathtubs still need to be cleaned after midnight use.
Ellie's room had vomit nearly everywhere. I took her straight to the tub and stripped her and drew a warm bubble bath and washed her from head to toe. She laid there for a long time, as I'm sure the water felt good on her icky-feeling tummy. I waited. I cried a little bit, because I despise when my kids are sick without me. It makes my heart ache to think about them being alone when they're throwing up.
This, is my Mother's Day.
I wouldn't want it any other way.
All the things that we're expected to be exempt from, are the things that, in fact, make this day possible.
These three people, my kids, are the reason I get to participate in this day. My youngest child, the bonus boy, is three today. It's his birthday. Mother's Day cannot overshadow this. My school-aged daughters made heart-felt, lovely gifts for me at school. This, is my Mother's Day.
My Mom looks prettiest when she is with Dad.
Audrey filled in the blank with this.
She is a clever and observant girl, and to say that we have struggled this year? Well, we have.
And yet, she thinks that I look pretty when her Dad and I are together.
This, is my Mother's Day.
It bothered me, too, that my husband, my partner in all of this, who will have his day in about a month, felt the need to apologize for asking for help. The hell? Of course! This day had been happening for 40 minutes, and he already felt like he shouldn't disturb me. Again, get real.
I don't wish for a day off. I feel that it's unrealistic. At least right now. I actually have no wishes. The greatest things to ever happen to me live at my house, and that is just, enough.
Maybe the sleeping thing. I could have used a sleep in...